Category: Career

Podcast Episode 5 – Work Life Balance

Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices. Betsy Jacobson Today we are discussing Work Life Balance and what I call boundary management. Integration of life balance – how do we deal with the rush of life? There is only so much time in the…
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Podcast Episode 4 – Creating a Powerful Network

Today, we are speaking about the targeted networking and looking at the way of mastery of networking effectively, and how to do networking to actually master a skill. Ever been frustrated with networking? Feel like you invite others and constantly give to others but no one gives in return?Have you had a situation where you…
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Podcast Episode 3 – Mindset & Mastery

This episode we will be discussing the powers behind mindset and mastery. Ever curious how to re-energize our problem solving skills and develop a mindset for success? Full Show Notes: When I was young, I learned to master a sport of swimming. I built my identity and confidence around the mastery of swimming. I became…
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Work Life Balance

What is the right “work-life” to “non-work-life” balance?  How nice would it be to have a clear answer.  But there is no definitive equation.  The “right” balance differs from person to person, and it is fluid, varying throughout the course of each of our lives. The dilemma of balance becomes prominent when the complexity of…
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Work-Life Balance and Productivity: Working from home

For me, looking back at my previous life in large corporate, I did not have a good work-life balance as I was a more of workaholic…spending minimum 11-12 hours a day working and driving plus working weekends traveling for market research or conventions. Now today I’m actually out of corporate and work part-time for myself…
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Podcast Episode 1 Introduction

Thanks for listening to our first podcast! We are finally able to offer valuable discussions through podcasts. Listen to us on your ride in to work or at the gym. Our first podcast is an introduction to the InnovateOLOGY platform and a little background on your hosts, Mary, Linda and Melissa. We hope you enjoy…
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Catch Those Limiting Beliefs! 4 Ways to Eliminate Those Limiting Beliefs

We all have a pesky little voice instead our heads that tell us that we can’t do something or don’t even think of trying. Those are limiting beliefs that constrain us. We believe them and it creates a barrier that is only in our head! These limiting beliefs can include the following and repeat them…
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Don’t Just Find a Mentor, Make an Advisory Board

The word ‘mentor’ is overused and it is really an awkward position to put someone in, when asked ‘will you be my mentor?’ Instead I call a group of people that I talk to on a quarterly basis my ‘advisory board.’ If the President of the United States can have a group of advisors, so…
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